LFIA Response to State-Wide Housing Bills

Our historic neighborhood, full of both single-family homes and various forms of multi-unit buildings, has benefited greatly from zoning regulations and we object to the one-size-fits-all approach coming from Sacramento.

Statement in Support of AB 1788 (2)

LFIA is writing in support of AB 1788, introduced by Assemblymember Richard Bloom (D-Santa Monica). The bill would ban second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) in California.

Hyperion Traffic Safety Comments

We request that the Los Angeles Department of Transportation collaborate with this Working Group and take action to improve street safety, manage speeding, and promote safety on this corridor (Hyperion).

Statement in Support of AB 1788

The bill would ban second generation anticoagulant rodenticides (SGARs) in California—the most toxic, “one-feeding kills” poisons—as well as first generation anticoagulants (FGARs) on state-owned properties.

Support for Rim of the Valley

The Rim of the Valley Corridor project provides urgently needed wildlife connectivity necessary to maintain healthy biodiversity including essential linkages to the Los Padres National Forest, the Santa Susana Mountains, and Angeles National Forest.

Los Angeles Zoo Vision Plan Comments

The LFIA…opposes numerous aspects of the Los Angeles Zoo Vision Plan… it is an entertainment densification plan, increasing the human experience at the expense of consideration for the animals’ welfare.

LFIA Files CEQA Appeal – 4511 Russell Avenue

In the case of 4511 Russell Ave, the unusual circumstances surrounding this project make a categorical exemption inapplicable. Specifically, the cumulative impacts resulting from unrestrained illegal demolitions of potential historic resources are significant. Additionally, the environmental hazards of a current dry cleaners adjacent to the property, a former gas station directly behind the property with gas tanks still submerged, and an unexamined fault line by the property have not been examined.