There are lots of ways to make a difference in the neighborhood, and LFIA welcomes anyone who resides in or has an interest in Los Feliz to become a member and join one of our committees.
Here’s what our committees do:
The Community committee organizes neighborhood-focused projects during the year. We work with local public schools to identify need and distribute grants; we administer LFIA’s annual Leadership Awards for graduating JMHS seniors.
The Communications committee manages LFIA media and social networking, along with the annual membership campaign.
The Environment committee focuses on Griffith Park issues, working with the park rangers, Rec & Parks and other city agencies. We plan neighborhood cleanups, and care for the Deodar Cedars on Los Feliz Boulevard. We work with the community and city officials to identify solutions for traffic congestion and safety, limited parking and deteriorating street infrastructure in Los Feliz.
The Events committee plans and hosts in-person and virtual events for the community throughout the year.
The History committee preserves and documents the history of Los Feliz. We advocate for historic preservation, and assist other organizations and city agencies in the preservation and documentation of Los Angeles history. We host an annual Photo Day in the fall, inviting the community to contribute to LFIA’s photo archives.
The Zoning committee monitors planning and zoning issues that may affect the quality of life in Los Feliz, and works to see that Los Angeles Municipal Code is properly observed.
If you have an interested in any of these areas or want more information about committee activities, please contact us using the form below. Your participation and support is vital to retaining the character and vibrancy of our Los Feliz!