Co-Chair: Demian Wyma.
Co-Chair: Mark Stong.
The goal of the committee is to work with Los Feliz residents, business people, elected officials, private security companies, the LAPD and the LA Fire Department to identify pragmatic solutions and act upon matters of security and safety, traffic congestion, limited parking and deteriorating street infrastructure in Los Feliz.
Current Projects:
– Sucessfully advocated for the solution that recently brought an end to the Cars-for-Sale
epidemic on Los Feliz Boulevard and adjacent streets.
– Installation of new parking meters in the Business Improvement District which accept credit cards.
– Maintain a close working relationship with our police department Senior Lead Officers and the fire stations to monitor safety and crime events in our community.
– Supply information to the community about safety issues.
– Actively advocate and assist in the establishment of Neighborhood Watches.
– Assist in organizing LFIA neighborhood forums that focus on police and fire
– Monitor all transportation related developments that impact the Los Feliz area and work
with City agencies and elected officials to explore possible solutions.
– Advocate for resurfacing of area streets.
– Seek solutions to the lack of parking in the business district, and to the Los Feliz Blvd. gridlock.
Get Involved!
If you would like to join in our Public Safety and Transportation Committee projects and are a member of the LFIA, or if you would like to add your project or concern to our agenda, e-mail