Fire Station 35, 56, and 82, serving the Los Feliz neighborhood, were very appreciative of the Annual Holiday dinners delivered by the Police, Fire, Safety Committee, of the Los Feliz Improvement Association.
Mrs. Claus was Margret Lohfeld, an LFIA Board Member. Elves were Mark Stong, Co-Chair of LFIA’s – Police, Fire, and Safety Committee, and Raymond Coty, Board Member of the Friends of the Los Feliz Library. The team whistled holiday tunes while preparing colorful Holiday papered boxes, filled with turkey and all the trimmings. The sleigh delivered the huge gifts to each station on Saturday, December 20, 2008.
The brave men and women of the Northeast Division, of the Los Angeles Police Department were also given LFIA’s Annual tasty token of appreciation. Their Annual Holiday dinner was held on December 15,2008. (1-24-09)