Griffith Park moved a step closer to being designated a Historic-Cultural Monument on Tuesday, January 13. There was a full house at the Planning and Land Use Management Committee (PLUM) in City Hall. Councilmember Tom LaBonge spoke first and strongly supported the landmark designation. He introduced Van Griffith, great-grandson of the original donor, who brought his son Trevor from their home in Central California to support the nomination.
Van Griffith,
of the donor of Griffith Park,
and Councilmember Tom
LaBonge at the PLUM
meeting in City Hall.
John Gray, CEO of the Autry National Center expressed strong support for the historic preservation of the park, but wanted no additional approvals required for the Autry. Marty Adams of the DWP wanted the DWP Headworks project exempted from review. Special language negotiated by Jan Chatten-Brown, the attorney for the Griffith Charitable Trust, Bill Delvac, the attorney for the Autry, and Ken Bernstein of the Office of Historic Preservation will clarify that projects in noncontributing areas of the park which are already in the approval process such as the Autry’s expansion will be exempt from review. Rec. and Parks with have a six-month grace period on maintenance while they establish protocol.
Numerous speakers representing the fifty organizations who support the nomination including LFIA President Marian Dodge urged PLUM to recommend the nomination to City Council. After many had spoken, PLUM chair, Councilmember Ed Reyes, asked if he could expedite matters by having all those who supported the nomination to rise. The committee then voted to agree with the staff report and recommend Griffith Park as a Historic-Cultural Monument!
At the same PLUM meeting the nomination of the Moreton Bay fig trees on N. Vermont Avenue was also recommended as a Historic-Cultural Monument. Both items will go to City Council for a vote on Tuesday, January 27. Mark your calendars now to attend the City Council meeting, Tuesday, January 27, 10:00 in City Hall, room 340.
Many thanks to all of you who attended the meeting or wrote letters and e-mails. It is your support that made it happen. (1-14-09)