A large crowd of locals and officials gathered on July 25, 2012, for the groundbreaking of Sunnynook Park, bordering the LA River. The new park is located on the western border of the river between the Sunnynook Pedestrian Bridge on the north and the Hyperion Bridge on the south.
The project involves all levels of government. The Federal Army Corps of Engineers has taken a leading role, while funding includes California state grants as well as contributions from the state’s Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy. Los Angeles City Councilmembers Tom LaBonge (CD 4), Eric Garcetti (CD 13) and Ed Reyes (CD 1) have been particularly involved. City departments and agencies like the Los Angeles River Revitalization Corporation and Recreation and Parks are also significant supporters.
The park is scheduled to be inaugurated for use in February 2013. Several private supporters like the Trust for Public Land and the Los Feliz Improvement Association were recognized by the program’s emcee, District 4 Councilmember Tom LaBonge.