To Los Feliz Stakeholders:
Los Feliz is part of the proposed Hollywood Community Plan and an upcoming virtual Open House & Hearing will address important issues in the land use plan that will guide land use and development within the Hollywood area.
WHEN: Wednesday, December 9th, 4 to 7 pm. More information here to join Zoom meeting.
WHAT: The Open House will include an overview to explain the Plan Update, including the proposed land use designations and zoning, while the Hearing is the first formal opportunity to provide public comment on the Plan Update to a Hearing Officer. After this hearing the Hollywood Community Plan will be heard by the City Planning Commission and City Council in a series of additional public hearings. In lieu of attending the hearing, comments may also be submitted by email through December 16, 2020 at 5 PM to
WHY THIS IS IMPORTANT: The Plan update would encourage more housing and jobs, preserve historic resources, improve pedestrian-friendly design, and address climate change through the year 2040 by making policy and land use/zoning changes.
A public hearing is a means to collect comments from stakeholders before the Plan update is brought to the City Planning Commission, and ultimately the City Council for adoption. The Open House and Public Hearing is open to everyone who would like to participate.
For more information on the Hollywood Community Plan update, visit