Pictured here are past LFIA president and current Greek Theatre Advisory Committee president Standolyn Robertson, Councilmember Nithya Raman and LADOT personnel at the March 1st ribbon cutting for the new four-way dedicated left-turn signals at the corner of Los Feliz Boulevard and Vermont Avenue.
This signal is the final component of the dedicated left-turn lane created four years ago to more rapidly spill cars out of the park on busy event/concert days and holidays. LFIA, along with many other area groups, have been advocating for this change for quite some time.
Over 7,500 cars enter and exit the park at this intersection on any given day, as the nearby residents know all to well. LFIA will continue to work for more public transportation in and around Griffith Park.
Last year, Friends of Griffith Park (FoGP) was awarded a County Measure W Technical Assistance Grant. Now the engineering firm Craftwater, Inc. is wrapping up its initial findings regarding water drainage which includes over 300 acres, mostly from Griffith Park canyons and the Black Oak and Red Oak Drive areas.
The ultimate project goal for Fern Dell is to better control and utilize water. Restoring the continuously-flowing water in the higher streams of Fern Dell is also a goal.
FoGP is hosting a town hall on March 14 to tell residents about the scope of this project that will revitalize Fern Dell. Consultants from Craftwater, Inc as well as FoGP board members will be on hand to answer questions.
RSVP to attend this Zoom presentation on Thursday, March 14 at 7 pm.
ARCHITECTURE & BEYOND — Thursday, March 21
George Geary’s “LA Landmark Restaurants” celebrates some of the many culinary institutions that continue to beckon Angelenos through their doors. Establishments like Philippe the Original, Pacific Dining Car, The Original Pantry Café, Canter’s Delicatessen, The Apple Pan and many others around the city.
Find out why these restaurants continue to charm and attract old and new visitors to sample their fare.
Los Feliz Branch Library (1874 Hillhurst Ave)
Doors open at 6:45 and the lecture will begin promptly at 7 pm
323.913.4710 for more information
Architecture & Beyond is a free lecture series supported by Friends of Los Feliz Library and merchants of the Los Feliz BID.
The Los Feliz Neighborhood Council Recreation Committee advocates for and seeks to improve recreation opportunities within Los Feliz and Griffith Park. The committee is surveying residents about recreation needs and aspirations as Los Feliz continues to grow. Participating in this survey will help them collect updated information about the community. Your identity and personal information will not be publicly shared or disclosed. Thank you for your help in making Los Feliz and Griffith Park a great place to live!
Click HERE for the survey.
GOOD TO KNOW—The DMV rule when two cars pass each other on a hill
Imagine you’re driving down one of the steep and narrow hillside roads on the Eastside. Another car is coming up, and there isn’t room for both of you to get by. What to do?
There’s a rule of the road for that—the vehicle going uphill has the right of way.
Here’s the explanation, from the DMV’s “California Driver’s Handbook,” Section 7: Laws and Rules of the Road: “If two vehicles meet on a steep narrow road and neither vehicle can pass, the vehicle facing uphill has the right-of-way. The vehicle facing downhill has more control when backing up the hill. The vehicle facing downhill should back up until the vehicle going uphill can pass.”
Thanks to the Glassell Park Improvement Association and The Eastsider for this info.
Thank you!