In the spirit of the great outdoors, everyone coming to Griffith Park this Saturday (Nov. 13) to celebrate the park’s 125th birthday is encouraged to use free public transit—or bike or hike in.
The six-stop Parkline Shuttle circulating through the east end of the park will be making stops at: Central Hub’s Information Center near the Merry-Go-Round; Shane’s Inspiration and the Old Zoo; LA Zoo and Autry Museum; Live Steamers Railroad Museum; Travel Town and the Pony-Train rides. Metro 96 Line also runs through Park Center.
The LA Bike Coalition is providing routes into the park. The LADOT DASH Observatory is running from the Metro Station at Sunset/Vermont up to the Greek Theatre and Griffith Observatory. All are free.
Our host, the Los Angeles Conservancy, has designed a special event map packed with tons of information. You can view the map with a complete schedule of events, at
Check out LFIA’s article Happy Birthday to Our Grand Green Urban Wilderness on the day-long family-friendly activities planned throughout the park. Lace up your sneakers or hiking boots and come join us on Saturday.