LFIA hosts CD 4 City Council Candidate Forum on Monday, February 2nd
Tom LaBonge retires as Councilman in June. Who will replace him? Please attend LFIA’s CD 4 Candidate Forum on Monday,…
Tom LaBonge retires as Councilman in June. Who will replace him? Please attend LFIA’s CD 4 Candidate Forum on Monday,…
A candidate forum will be held Wednesday, January 28th at the Goodwill Flagship Store & Café located at 3150 N.…
Letter to City Planning’s Michael LoGrande re the community’s development concerns at Hillhurst and Hollywood.
Michael Locke, author of “Silver Lake Chronicles: Exploring an Urban Oasis in Los Angeles,” will be the featured speaker at…
Modernist architecture critic/historian Alan Hess will speak on “California as Muse: How Out-of-State Architects Get the Golden State Wrong” at the Architecture&Beyond Lecture…
The Los Feliz Improvement Association will be saluting Los Feliz military veterans, past and present, at the annual Photo Day Saturday,…
Photographer Robert Dawson, author of “The Public Library: A Photographic Essay,” will be the featured speaker at the Architecture&Beyond Lecture Series, MONDAY,…