Urgent Greek Theatre Update – City Council Action this Monday
Arts, Parks & River Committee to meet this Monday, August 17th at 11:00 AM
Councilmember David Ryu has submitted a motion that will allow City Council to take a closer look at RAP’s self-operation plan for the Greek Theatre and provide the opportunity for more public input.
This motion is on the agenda for the Council’s Arts, Parks & River Committee this coming Monday at 11:00 AM (August 17, 2015).
If you are new to this issue, please visit our Greek overview page: (Find a complete background here.)
Keep sending letters & come to the meeting. Let’s continue the push to register objections to the RAP takeover of the Greek Theatre. Please be courteous and supportive of the motion–our new Councilmember is trying to do what he can.
Reasons to support the motion: We applaud this motion from Councilmember Ryu because it will help open the plan to public scrutiny, it helps hold RAP accountable for decisions made with insufficient public vetting and dialog (RAP continues to claim there’s been plenty of opportunity for public comment), it asks for an explanation of “all options for future management in light of past actions” and asks the Chief Legislative Analyst and the City Attorney’s Office to provide “A clear description of the legal limitations and/or constraints on the authority of the City Council relative to the ‘self-operation’ of the Greek Theatre.”
Concerns that remain: No publically available traffic and parking plan, no protections for the neighborhood regarding a limit on the number of consecutive events, compulsory parking fees on each ticket and the fact that RAP staff has steadfastly refused to present pro forma Income/Expense numbers to justify the claim of increased revenue.
If you haven’t written in the past two weeks, write again. Your input will be seen by a new set of eyes. (Previous communications did not transfer to the new Council File.)
Every individual letter counts. Every in-person Public Comment counts. We must show a wide community alarm on this matter.
EMAIL INSTRUCTIONS: Please include this subject line so it will get to the right place:
Subject: Council File 14-1500-S2 – I SUPPORT Councilmember Ryu’s motion – OPPOSE RAP plan
Email: Mitch O’Farrell, Chair, Arts, Parks & River Committee: councilmember.ofarrell@lacity.org
Cc: Councilmember David Ryu: david.ryu@lacity.org
Los Feliz Improvement Association: cd4letters@lfia.org
Date/Time: Monday, August 17 at 11:00 AM
Location: City Hall, Room 1010, 200 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
What to do: Fill out a Public Comment Card for Item 9 – Greek Theatre. Check “Support” (In this instance you are supporting the motion.)
Thank you!