The LA Conservancy honored the consulting firm of ICF Jones & Stokes for the 400-page application they wrote for the Griffith Park Historic-Cultural Monument nomination. The Griffith Trust financed the application. Marian Dodge, President of the LFIA, and Bernadette Soter, Chair of the Parks, Rivers and Open Spaces Committee of the GGPNC were honored for the work they did gathering public support for the landmark nomination. Griffith Park is the largest landmark in the United States.
The awards were presented at a luncheon at the historic Biltmore Hotel on Thursday, May 14.
Chris Hetzel -ICF Jones & Stokes, Clare Darden – Griffith Trust, Marian Dodge – LFIA, Bernadette Soter – GGPNC, Daniel Paul – ICF Jones & Stokes, Griffith Trust attorney Jan Chatten-Brown, Rick Starzak – ICF Jones & Stokes.
May 2009