LFIA Presents: A Conversation with the Candidates – 5th District LAUSD School Board Candidate Forum
Monday, February 18, 2019
6:00 Mix & Mingle | 7:00 The Conversation Begins
The Autry Museum of the American West in Griffith Park
4700 Western Heritage Way
Moderated by Dr. Albert Jones, California State University, Charter College of Education
All 10 candidates running for the school board seat will attend the LFIA forum. They are Alison Bajracharya, Ana Cubas, Jackie Goldberg, Cynthia Gonzalez, Graciela Ortiz, Heather Repenning, Rocio Rivas, Chamba Sanchez, David Valdez and Nestor Enrique Valencia.
“Whether you have school-aged children or not, the school board election will affect you,” said Marta Alcumbrac, chair of LFIA’s schools and library committee. “In addition to influencing the education that our future generation receives, the quality of public education in our district directly affects our community.”
LAUSD enrolls over 600,000 students, the second largest school district in the country, and there are big issues on the table with a looming strike for higher wages and smaller class sizes. As a result of a vacancy in LAUSD’s 5th District, where Los Feliz is located, the County of Los Angeles is conducting a Special Election to be held March 5.
“The elected board governs the district. Let’s make sure our representative aligns with the needs of our community,” said Alcumbrac. “The children, as they say, are our future. Let’s help them lead the way.”