On Monday, April 19th LFIA hosted a member of the California Citizens Redistricting Commission, Derric Taylor. Commissioner Taylor is one of fourteen California residents selected to redraw political boundaries in our state.
Every ten years, California must redraw the boundaries of its Congressional, State Senate, State Assembly, and State Board of Equalization districts after the federal government publishes updated census information. This job is done by the voter-approved California Citizens Redistricting Commission.
Redistricting work directly affects equity outcomes in our state. How district boundaries are configured can make the difference between empowering and maximizing voters’ voices or minimizing and muting them.
Commissioner Taylor introduced the Commission and its duties, discussed the importance of redistricting, and explained how the Commission hopes to gather public input and increase participation in the redistricting process. Using the passcode M^X3jL*f listen to the conversation here.
About Commissioner Derric Taylor
City/County: Los Angeles
Currently an Investigator with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, Mr. Taylor has served California communities for over twenty-five years. As an Investigator, Mr. Taylor ensures that investigations are completed in a just and equitable manner in a wide variety of categories ranging from assaults to computer crimes. Mr. Taylor received his B.A. in Accounting from Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA and a master’s degree in Crime, Law, and Society from the University of California, Irvine. Mr. Taylor is an active volunteer in the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley areas, serving as a mentor and coach among other duties.