This rather large document (13.8 MB) is also available right here on the LFIA website. In announcing the draft, the Planning Department’s Mary Richardson stated that in the next few months Planning will post other documents related to the Community Plan Update. These documents include:
- Draft Land Use and Zone Change Map
- Draft Matrix of Existing, Planned and Proposed Land Use
- Draft “Q” Qualified Condition and “D” Development Limitation Appendix
- Draft Environmental Impact Report
- Transportation Improvement Mitigation Program
Once all of these documents are complete and online, the Department will begin scheduling briefings with neighborhood councils and other major stakeholder groups in Hollywood. The purpose of these briefings will be to present the major points of the Plan Update and answer questions community members may have. These briefings will be followed by an Open House/Public Hearing sometime this fall.
If you have questions about the Hollywood Community Plan please contact Mary Richardson at (213) 978-1205 or Jon Tanury at (213) 978-1214.