After over eight years of voiced concern by the LFIA, the City of Los Angeles has adopted an ordinance that prohibits the parking of cars for sale on Los Feliz Boulevard and Franklin Avenue. This comes over two years after Councilmember Tom LaBonge introduced a motion on our behalf to explore the regulation of car sales on our major streets.
The new ordinance makes it unlawful for any person to park any vehicle on Los Feliz Boulevard between Interstate 5 and Western Avenue and on Franklin Avenue, between Hillhurst Avenue and Western Avenue, for the purpose of advertising to the public the private sale of that vehicle. Violators are subject to citation, towing, impound and fines. While the City Council may amend the ordinance to include other streets within the city of Los Angeles, Los Feliz at last has the tools to control this long-time blight on our major thoroughfares.
If anyone becomes aware of a violation of this ordinance, please call 3-1-1 immediately.
By Donald Seligman