Family, friends and city officials gathered to remember the late Park Ranger Capt. Albert E. Torres during a ceremony at the Griffith Park Visitor’s Center. The veteran ranger died in the line-of-duty in 2019.
A memorial plaque in his honor states that the beloved ranger “was an inspiration to all and will never be forgotten.” Ranger Torres worked in and protected the city parks for 45 years.
The plaque in Griffith Park Central will forever salute the ranger. It also commemorates the exact spot where Torres and his wife, Cheryl, originally met.
LFIA’s Chris Laib told family members in attendance: “We were blessed to have your father and husband at the helm of the ranger division for many years. He got us through fires, budget impasses and other threats. We are here today to honor him by recommitting to what he believed in: that Griffith Park is a regional treasure.”