Modernist architecture author Alan Hess will speak on “William Pereira: Designing Modern Los Angeles” at the Architecture&Beyond Lecture Series Thursday, Nov. 14, 6:45-7:45 p.m. at the Los Feliz Library, 1874 Hillhurst Ave.
Pereira was known for his “futurist” designs, such as CBS Television City, LAX’s Theme Building and LACMA and in San Francisco, the Transamerica Pyramid Tower. He completed more than 300 commissions during his career.
Hess is a practicing architect and architecture critic/historian who has written some 20 books on Modern architecture in the West. Most recently he was a contributor to “Modernist Maverick: The Architecture of William L. Pereira.” He is currently researching the architecture of Irvine, CA, one of the country’s largest master planned communities of the 1960s and 1970s, of which Pereira served as the original architect and planner.
Skylights Books will have copies of books by Hess for purchase and signing.
The free lecture series, now in its 11th year, is supported by the Friends of the Los Feliz Library and merchants of the Los Feliz BID.
For more information, call the Los Feliz Branch Library at (323) 913-4710.