3257 N. Waverly Drive 90027
3257 N. Waverly Drive 90027 Los Feliz USA
American Colonial Revival
Home of Dr. Henry Marcus Young MD (b. 07/22/06), USC and UCLA Medical Schools. (Source Who’s Who in Los Angeles County, 1950-1951, p. 144.)
Listed at $2,295,000 in August, 2007.
Anne R. Rabe, who lived here in 1940, was an LFIA Director between 1939 and 1940.
1930 census:
3257 Waverly Drive (Value: $30,000): 1) Julian D. Nolan, owner and head of household; 58 year old divorced white male; born in Illinois; father born in the Illinois, mother in the US; not working. 2) Esteban F. Cruz, servant; 39 year old single Filipino male; born on Isle of Luzon-Philippines; parents born in the Philippines; a servant. 3) Robert Nolan, son; 23 year old single white male; born in Illinois; an aviator in aviation. 4) Richard Nolan, son; 16 year old single white male; in school; born in Illinois.
1940 Census:
3257 Waverly Drive (Value $20,000): 1) Anne R. Rabe, head of household; white widow 55 years of age; born in Texas; broker and agent, investments. 2) Elizabeth Taylor, sister; white divorced female 44 years of age; born in Texas; not working. 3) Elizabeth Robinson, mother; white widow 78 years of age; born in Mississippi; not working. 4) William P. Hellen, lodger; white single male 39 years of age; born in Texas; architect, movie studio; earns $3,700. 5) John R. Hellen, lodger; white single male 27 years of age; born in Texas; insurance agent. 6) Jessie Chambers, housekeeper; Negro divorced female 34 years of age; born in Texas; housekeeper in the private family; earns $80. 7) Aaron Brown, houseman; Negro married male 51 years of age; born in Texas; houseman in a private family; earns $400.
Type: American Colonial Revival Sold
Year Built: 1922