What. A. Year. 2020 was challenging, to say the least, and we are thankful to be part of a community as amazing as Los Feliz.
LFIA has been working in the neighborhood and behind the scenes for over 100 years to foster community, celebrate and protect our natural environment, and preserve the history of Los Feliz. While our tactics had to change due to the pandemic, our spirit has not. And the passion residents feel for our neighborhood has been a source of inspiration.
Here are some of the great things we accomplished together in 2020:
Launched two new event series—Los Feliz Walks and Los Feliz Reads—to create hyperlocal opportunities for connection.
Hosted U.S. Congressmember Adam Schiff for an online town hall.
Teamed up with the Los Feliz Neighborhood Council, Cinespia, and the Greek Theatre to present a free community drive-in movie.
Awarded college scholarships to three John Marshall High School seniors and supported our local public schools with grants.
Hosted a dinner, organized by SELAH Neighborhood Homeless Coalition, for our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
Supported the Los Feliz Bridge Home facility by supplying locks used by residents to secure their belongings.
Fed our local emergency workers by funding HomeState for Hospitals and serving dinners to all three of our local fire stations.
Filed appeals with the city to protect the neighborhood from adverse environmental effects and ensure the city is following its own zoning rules.
Joined with local organizations to oppose the Hollywood Millennium Project and funded a geological survey.
Worked with experts to draft a response to the Hollywood Community Plan Update to ensure that Los Feliz is properly represented.
Supported a one-time expansion of the 2021 Greek Theatre season after the 2020 season was canceled due to the pandemic.
Championed local journalism by advertising in the Los Feliz Ledger.
Advocated against construction of an aerial tram in Griffith Park.
Underwrote the planting of eight Crepe Myrtle trees on the south side of Franklin Avenue between Western and Normandie.
Saved a heritage Moreton Bay Fig tree from being butchered by a developer on upper Vermont Avenue.
Maintained and planted Deodar Cedar trees on Los Feliz Boulevard.
Remained vigilant for adherence to Vision for Griffith Park, the park’s governing conservation document, which was primarily written by LFIA board members.
Published monthly columns in the Los Feliz Ledger relating to LFIA issues, history and achievements.
Expanded the historic photo archives to include over 2,500 images.
Hosted a virtual Photo Day featuring LA Public Library’s Photo Collection librarian Christina Rice on photographer Herman J. Schultheis, who had lived in Los Feliz for many years.
Collected photos from the community about life in Los Feliz during 2020 for the LFIA Photo Archives (send yours to photoday@lfia.org).
Kept you plugged into Los Feliz on Instagram with time-sensitive posts and vintage photos.
LFIA IS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION and we hope you will continue to support our advocacy and action with a donation in 2021. We depend on donations, large and small, for all we do. Your tax deductible contributions go directly to helping the community.
Thank you for your support of this special neighborhood.