4564 W. Ambrose Avenue 90027
4564 W. Ambrose Avenue 90027 Los Feliz USA
Craftsman Bungalow
3 Bedrooms
2 Baths
1,401 sqft
1930 Census:
4564 Ambrose Avenue (Value: $10,000): 1) Charles W. Burk, owner and head of household; 54 year old white married male; married at age 35; born in Iowa; father born in Irish Free State, mother in New York; criminologist in criminology. 2) Sybil A. Burk, wife; 42 year old white married female; married at age 17; born in Kansas; father born in Ohio, mother in Kansas; not working. 3) Charles W. Burk, Jr., son; 24 year old white single male; born in Missouri; an investigator for the city government. 3) Sybil A. Burk, daughter; 20 year old white single female; born in Tennessee; a concert singer. 4) John M. Burk, son; 13 year old white male; in school; born in Georgia. (20th ED, page 13A, lines 7-11).
1940 Census:
4564 Ambrose Avenue (Value $5,200): 1) Herbert C. House. head of household; white married male 41 years of age; born in Canada; manager, Cal. Bank; earns $2,800. 2) Lillian House, wife; white married female 38 years of age; born in Canada; graduate nurse. 3) Donald House, son; white male 8 years of age; born in California; in school. 4) Patricia House, daughter; white female 6 years of age; born in California; in school. 5) Jimmie House, son; white male 7 months of age; born in California. 6) Frederick Smith, brother-in-law; white married male 28 years of age; born in Canada; helper in auto trays. (ED 60-84; Page 1B; Lines 53-58).
Type: Craftsman Bungalow Sold
Bedrooms: 3
Area: 1,401 sqft
Lot Size: 4,800 sqft
Bathrooms: 2
Year Built: 1920