3853 W. Udell Court 90027
3853 W. Udell Court 90027 Los Feliz USA
American Colonial Revival
2 Bedrooms
1 Baths
1080 sqft
The City Directories list the following residents: Scranton and Loretta Ware Clark, saleslady (1925-1928), Gene and Margaret Byrnes, artist (1930), Walter G. and Loretta Case, district superintendent SCT Company (1933-1937), Betty and Charles G. Guthrie, electrician in the studios (1938-1942).
1930 Census:
3853 W. Udell Court (Rents for $30/month): 1) Kenneth E. Burdick, renter and head of household; white married male 29 years of age; married at age 25; born in Illinois; parents born in Illinois; singer in radio and broadcasting. 2) Marguerite I. Burdick, wife; white married female 29 years of age; married at age 26; born in Florida; father born in Georgia, mother in Kentucky; not working. 3) Majarey G. Burdick, daughter; white female 2 years 2 months of age; born in California.
1940 Census:
3853 W. Udell Court (Value $3,500): 1) Charles G. Guthrie, owner and head of household; white married male 45 years of age; born in Georgia; Aircraft electrician; earns $2,000. 2) Bettie Guthrie, wife; white
married female 45 years of age; born in Nebraska; not working.
Full address: 3853 W. Udell Court 90027 (now 1970 N. Mayview Drive)
Type: American Colonial Revival Sold
Bedrooms: 2
Area: 1080 sqft
Lot Size: 3981 sqft
Bathrooms: 1
Year Built: 1923