3827 W. Udell Court 90027
3827 W. Udell Court 90027 Los Feliz USA
2 Bedrooms
1 Baths
3287 sqft
The City Directories list the following inhabitants: Neil E. Sund, carpenter (1925), E. Mac Brannan, salesman (1928), Lawrence J. Hogan, carpenter (1929), Clyde M. and Gladys F. Moody, foreman (1931), Fritz R. and Elizabeth Nardin (1934-1936), Vera George (1938), Helen L. Kirk (1939), Stanley A. and Genevieve Faulkner, studio worker (1940-41), Harper S. Jr., and Helen M. Cobb, carpet layer (1942).
1930 Census:
3837 W. Udell Court (Rents for $30/month): 1) Clyde M. Moody, renter and head of household; white married male 28 years of age; married at age 26; born in Kansas; parents born in Kansas; Fireman, City. 2) Gladys F. Moody, wife; white married female 24 years of age; married at age 22; born in Iowa; parents born in Iowa; not working.
1940 Census:
3837 W. Udell Court (Rents for $25/month): 1) Stanley A. Faulkner, renter and head of household; white married male 265 years of age; born in English Canada; Landscape set designer, motion pictures; earns $2,200. 2) Genevieve Faulkner, wife; white married female 25 years of age; born in New York; not working. 3) Suzette Faulkner, daughter; white female 4 years of age; born in California.
Type: Craftsman Sold
Bedrooms: 2
Area: 3287 sqft
Lot Size: 584 sqft
Bathrooms: 1
Year Built: 1923