3228 W. Rowena Avenue Los Angeles CA 90027
3228 W. Rowena Avenue Los Angeles CA 90027 Los Feliz USA
Spanish Colonial Revival
3228 was residence of Mrs. Floyd J. Trenery, member of Los Feliz Woman’s Club, 1934. (Source: club roster)
1940 Census:
3228 Rowena Avenue (Rents for $55): 1) Wallie Ramsour, head of household; white married male 35 years of age; born in North Carolina; manager, Air Research Airplane manufacturing company; earns $3,600. 2) Letah Ramsour, wife; white married female 31 years of age; born in New York; not working. 3) David Ramsour, son; white male 4 years of age; born in New York.
3230 Rowena Avenue (Value $7,000): 1) Frank W. Schubert, head of household; white married male 53 years of age; born in Missouri; salesman, office supplies; . 2) Prunella C. Schubert, wife; white married female 43 years of age; born in Texas; teacher for the board of education; earns $2,300. 3) Billie H. Irby, daughter; white single female 17 years of age; born in Texas; in school. 4) Robert D. Irby, son; white single male 16 years of age; born in New Mexico; in school.
Duplex. question-parcel Includes 3228-3230 W. Rowena Avenue Los Angeles CA 90027.
Type: Spanish Colonial Revival Sold
Year Built: 1930