2020 N. Cummings Drive 90027
2020 N. Cummings Drive 90027 Los Feliz USA
5 Bedrooms
2 Baths
4,037 sqft
Potential City of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument.
LFIA potential landmarks list: “Wilbur Cummings house.”
Original owner was Wilbur Cummings, Los Angeles businessman and real estate tycoon. Early in his career he was proprietor of Cummings Shoe Store at 110 South Spring Street. At the time this home was built, he lived at 410 Westlake. The 1918 Los Angeles City Directory lists his residence as Los Feliz and his occupation as real estate. Advertisements for this development appeared in a brochure titled Dream Knolls: “Large lots: priced right, terms easy, W. E. Cummings, owner. The estates are partly landscaped.” Current parcel is 0.778 acres. Cummings died in 1937 and is buried at Hollywood Cemetery. His wife Minnie lived until 1957. See also 1895 Los Angeles Directory for listing of shoe store, p. 427 “Noted for turn of century architecture & first owner” “Transitional Eastlake-Victorian” circa 1895-1898.” (Source: California Historical Society tour, 09/11/86. D. Kanner.) Note: other Cummings property at 5102 W. Los Feliz Bl (8.03)
1930 Census:
5102 Los Feliz Blvd.: 1) Wilbur Cummings, owner and head of household; white married male, 64 years of age; born in Massachusetts; parents born in Massachusetts; not working. 2) Minnie Cummings, wife; white married female, 59 years of age; born in Maine; parents born in Maine; not working. 3) Laura Moody, mother-in-law; white female widow, 78 years of age; born in Maine; parents born in Maine; not working. 4) Yama Kitiyama, gardener; Japanese male single, 38 years of age; alien; born in Japan; parents born in Japan; gardener in a private home. 5) Chiyo Kitiyama, gardener; Japanese male single, 37 years of age; born in Japan, parents born in Japan; working as a gardener in a private home.
Type: Craftsman Sold
Bedrooms: 5
Area: 4,037 sqft
Lot Size: 33,890 sqft
Bathrooms: 2
Year Built: 1905