There’s been a lot of talk in the neighborhood about coyotes lately, and as part of an effort to document their whereabouts, we invite you to participate in the Coyote Sighting Survey which monitors coyote activity in Los Feliz. The survey was created by Franklin Hills’ resident George Grace who, as a member of the 2005 Griffith Park Master Plan Working Group, realized that the Park had no studies of its animal populations. He initiated the Griffith Park Natural History Survey which has been funded by private donations including assistance from the LFIA and the Friends of Griffith Park. Specific studies of mammals, butterflies, bats, reptiles, and flowers were done by biologists.
The survey asks for basic info such as date, time, and location of your coyote sighting. At the end of the survey is an optional section asking your gender, age group, etc. You may leave this part blank if you wish; your input will still count. Here is the survey:
To receive survey results, include your contact info where noted at the end of the survey. To see local coyote reports filed from 2003 through February 27, 2015, click here: coyote sighting
Finally, when you click “Submit” on the Coyote Sighting Survey, it will take you to the Griffith Park Natural History Survey on the home page of Friends of Griffith Park where you will find info on past surveys.